1. Apotcalypse Now

How Did We Get Here?
“Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.”
-Groucho Marx

The politics of cannabis through the Clinton and Bush administrations were dominated by the hysterical, hypocritical policies and dogmatic enforcement. These ‘modern’ programs had evolved from the successful Reefer Madness campaigns to vilify marijuana in the 1930s.
Pot policy had begun, evolved, and continues to be racist, senseless, and is, in large part, the culprit behind the US having the highest incarceration rate of any country in the world. For some mind-boggling reason; cannabis, despite having never caused a fatal human overdose, was and still is today, listed as a ‘Schedule 1’ substance with the DEA. Schedule 1 drugs are deemed the worst possible category and include deadly narcotics like heroin and fentanyl. ‘Crystal meth’ is only ‘Schedule 2’, which means in theory, if not in practice, the Feds consider meth to be less dangerous. That’s outrageous!!! The hypocrisy!!! The lunacy of it all!!!
Cannabis was, and in some part of the country continues to be, illegal. The fight to change that is surely a battle for social justice, regardless of what you may think of that term.
Today’s public and private prisons are still overcrowded with non-violent drug offenders, in a criminal justice system that, to this day, continues to disproportionately impact minorities and people of lower-income.
Cannabis has also been called a ‘gateway’ drug in that it allegedly leads to the use of more harmful substances. And to be fair, while cannabis itself is harmless it is true that it is a gateway to the most deadly drug in America… high fructose corn syrup.
Though medical pot was legalized in California in 1996, it wasn’t until the early 2000s that the idea began to greatly advance in acceptance and credibility.
Then in 2008, Barack Obama won his first presidential election with a promise to reshape Federal cannabis policy in his platform. At that time, there was a massive shift in popular opinion on legalizing medical and recreational pot.
Unlike their parents, the Baby Boomer generation was largely familiar with cannabis and recognized how pot policy and rhetoric were at odds with reality.
Meanwhile, despite many regulatory barriers to access, medical researchers continued to make breakthroughs showing the efficacy of cannabis compounds in treating a myriad of different health problems with virtually no harmful side effects.
At the same time, the health care system in our country was (and continues to be) critically broken and prescription drugs had never been (and still continue to be) more unaffordable. People were going bankrupt (and still are) because they got sick.
Furthermore, it was discovered that beyond the well-known tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) molecule contained in cannabis, there was a standout cannabinoid, cannabidiol, otherwise known as CBD, that looked especially promising for medical applications, and moreover didn’t have any of the intoxicating effects.
FYI– There will be many more acronyms to come in this book!
One also can’t look past the economic impact the cannabis industry had in helping to pull our economy out of the Great Recession. In 2008 after the stock market crashed, cannabis was (and still is) one of the only growing industries, and thousands of jobs were created at that time in California and Colorado, even as unemployment was (and still is) running rampant throughout the nation and the economy was (and still is) otherwise in a tailspin.
When I finally, finally ‘came out of the closet’ in 2009 and told my parents that I had moved to Los Angeles on the same day that Obama had won the election to start a cannabis medibles company, and not an organic catering company as I had previously misled them to believe, I was expecting the worst. My parent’s reactions were a total surprise to me.
To my amazement, my mother said, “Well… I’m just glad you have a job.”
“You’re making marijuana desserts?” My father’s voice got serious and devoid of
emotion. “Well…” he eyeballed me suspiciously, “did you bring any back for me?”
Collectively, many factors have come together to create the perfect storm to enable a dramatic sea change in popular perception and policy for cannabis, not only in the US but internationally.
The cannabis/CBD industry is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, that is only made possible by existing on the cusp of a massive and historic shift, analogous in many ways to the end of alcohol prohibition.
Green States
“We’ve come to be consumed by a 24-hour, slash-and-burn, negative ad, bickering, small-minded politics that doesn’t move forward… there’s no sense that they are coming together in a common-sense, practical, non-ideological way to solve problems.”
-Barack Obama

America’s political climate is currently more divided than it’s been at any time since perhaps the Civil War, if not ever. Red and Blue Americans can’t seem to agree on anything! Anything, that is, except…
Legalizing cannabis has gone from the third rail of American politics, to just about the only thing that a majority of Americans can agree on anymore.
Even former Republican Speaker of the House, John Boehner got in on the cannabis industry action years ago, despite having been against cannabis when he was in office. Unbelievable!
Amazingly, this is no longer a fringe third-party issue, but one of the most popular mainstream movements in the country.
Let that (clam)bake in for a second.
Legal cannabis is far more popular than either major party candidate was in 2016. Again, legal cannabis outperformed any candidate running for President in 2020. If legal cannabis was a person and was running for President in 2024, weed would easily win, smoking all comers in both the popular vote and the electoral college.
A Sea Change on the Horizon
"Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle."
-Abraham Lincoln

When politics and public health policy catch up to science, cannabis will be 100% legal, but the fast-food hamburger you eat after you get high will be a felony!
There is no longer a question of whether or not cannabis will be fully Federally legalized in the USA, the question now is- when?
This creates a sense of inevitability which will lead to the continued growth and evolution of this new industry.
While some may wonder if the cannabis black market will ever become obsolete, ask yourself- when was the last time you went down to a shady alleyway or a street corner in a bad neighborhood, late at night, to score a six-pack of beer?
While nearly everyone can see the opportunities that the evolution of the cannabis industry portends, there is still a reticence within corporate America to potentially run afoul of federal law.
This creates a vacuum of industry leadership and domination that will only last as long as there remain inconsistencies between Federal and State laws. These inconsistencies aren’t likely to linger too much longer than the 2024 elections when, for the second consecutive presidential election, a pro-legal cannabis stance is now a major litmus test by which to judge candidates.
Not even old-school drug warriors like Joe Biden who had been militantly against cannabis legalization have proposed shutting down States that legalize it. This is because they see the forest for the ‘trees’ and want to avoid committing the political equivalent of a ‘Hari-Kari’, which is a form of ritual suicide by means of self-disembowelment.
Therefore, the window of opportunity that exists now, during this interim state of the industry, will be short-lived. If you’re interested in getting involved on the ground floor, now is the time to strike because soon it will be too late!
This book is all about helping you seize the day to take advantage of these historic opportunities in the cannabis industry over the course of the next few years. Do it now before the window on the ground floor closes for good.

Are you having some trouble understanding and navigating the cannabis market?
Reach out to the industry experts at Pipe Dreams to see if we can help you.
Key Chapter Takeaways
The Do’s and Don’ts of the Dope Industry
- Do– Read this free online e-book and learn everything you can about this quickly evolving new industry
- Do– Seize the day and learn to take advantage of a once-in-a-lifetime boom before the window closes for good
- Do– Have a great attitude, an open mind, and a strong work ethic
- Don’t– Wait too long!
- Don’t– Be afraid to try new things